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Charlotte Group for Proteostasis Research (CGPR)

What is Proteostasis?


Proteostasis is the process which regulates the balance of proteins in the cell leading to a healthy organism. This is a complex process that involves the correct production, folding, transportation and folding of all proteins in the cell.


What are the goals of the CGPR?


The GCPR consist of a network of researchers at UNC Charlotte that study various aspects of proteostasis. Many of the group have published studies together and submitted/been awarded grants together. We have regular meetings to discuss recent work in the field and to share our own findings. This network aims to provide a rich training experience for undergraduate and graduate students by allowing training in diverse areas of proteostasis that bridge the gap between research on purified proteins, single-celled and multicellular organisms to community behaviour in response to environmental stress.


Interested in joining the CGPR?


We are always excited to hear from researchers at all levels who would like to join our group. Please email to get in touch!

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